Semester ticket upgrade

Since July 1, 2023, students have been able to upgrade their Schleswig-Holstein state-wide semester ticket to a Deutschlandticket. Only the price difference between the semester ticket and the Deutschlandticket has to be paid.

Like the Deutschlandticket, the semester ticket upgrade is a subscription. The upgrade is optional, so each student can decide for themselves whether they want to use it. Those who make use of it conclude a private subscription contract for a Deutschlandticket with the sales service provider DB Vertrieb GmbH and receive a regular Deutschlandticket with the same conditions. The difference: students only pay the difference between their semester ticket and the regular price of the Deutschlandticket. The contributions to the state-wide Semesterticket Schleswig-Holstein and the regional Semesterticket are taken into account. The price of the semester ticket upgrade is debited monthly by SEPA direct debit.

Here you will find all the important information about the new Deutschlandticket and upgrading from the Semesterticket to the Deutschlandticket.

As of: 01.08.23

FAQ about the Deutschlandticket

Here you will find answers to all important questions about the semester ticket upgrade. If your question has not been answered here, take a look at our FAQ about the semester ticket and our FAQ about the Deutschland-Semesterticket.

When will the Deutschlandticket be available?

The Deutschlandticket can now be subscribed to at various locations at the current regular price of €49. The discounted upgrade solution for the semester ticket will be available from July 1, 2023.

In what form is the Deutschlandticket offered?

The Deutschlandticket is a digital Cell phone ticket.

Alternatively, the ticket is also available as Paper ticket. The paper ticket will be sent by e-mail to the personal e-mail address provided at the university when ordering. Paper tickets must be ordered by the 15th of the previous month.

If the Semesterticket Schleswig-Holstein was previously used as a paper ticket, please keep this carefully until the end of the semester - it will be needed again if the semester ticket upgrade is terminated prematurely. It is not necessary to return the paper ticket.

How early should I order a ticket?

The Nah.SH recommends ordering the ticket by the 15th of the previous month so that it is available on time at the beginning of the month.

At the same time, the digital mobile ticket ordered through Nah.SH is usually available within one day.

If you do not want to use the Deutschlandticket in the following month, you should order the ticket before the 10th of the month of validity in order to cancel it.

Why does the semester ticket continue to exist despite the Deutschlandticket?

As student representatives, we always have the situation of all students in mind and base our decisions on acting in their interests. For example, we are initially sticking to the very successful model of a solidarity-financed semester ticket, which ensures affordable and sustainable mobility for all students. The introduction of the upgrade option ensures that students are at least not disadvantaged by the introduction of the Deutschlandticket.

Cancellation of the semester ticket is also not straightforward: Due to the early collection of semester fees and the underlying deadlines, this requires a long lead time and should be coordinated with the other participating student bodies in Schleswig-Holstein. Realistically, it would therefore not be possible to withdraw from the semester ticket until the 2024 summer semester at the earliest.

At the same time, we see that the creation of an individually purchasable Deutschlandticket for €49 per month significantly reduces the attractiveness of the mandatory state-wide semester ticket for around €33 per month. Against this background, we will re-evaluate the necessity and justification for the semester ticket and its price together with the other student bodies in Schleswig-Holstein.

Politicians are aiming to make a Deutschlandticket available to all students nationwide in the medium term based on the solidarity model. Solutions for this are currently being developed at federal and state level.

We are monitoring the situation closely and will continue to advocate for the interests of all students. Of course, we are keeping all options open.

Where can I find more information?

For information on the "normal" Deutschlandticket, please refer to the information provided by the transport company from which you wish to purchase the ticket, e.g. the FAQ about the Deutschlandticket at Nah.SH.

As soon as we have further information on the upgrade option or the conditions change, we will publish this information by circular mail and post it here immediately.

Are there any further plans for the future?

The upgrade ticket is intended to be a temporary solution. Politicians are aiming to make a Deutschlandticket based on the solidarity model available to all students nationwide in the medium to long term. Solutions for this are currently being developed at federal and state level.

We are monitoring the situation closely and will continue to advocate for the interests of all students. Of course, we are keeping all options open.

FAQ on upgrading from the semester ticket to the Deutschlandticket

When will the upgrade solution be available?

The upgrade option has been available since July 01, 2023.

In what form is the upgrade ticket available?

The Deutschlandticket is a digital Cell phone ticket.

Alternatively, the ticket is also available as Paper ticket. The paper ticket will be sent by e-mail to the personal e-mail address provided at the university when ordering. Paper tickets must be ordered by the 15th of the previous month.

If the Semesterticket Schleswig-Holstein was previously used as a paper ticket, please keep this carefully until the end of the semester - it will be needed again if the semester ticket upgrade is terminated prematurely. It is not necessary to return the paper ticket.

How do I order the upgrade ticket?

The upgrade can be ordered directly via the NAH.SH website.

The Cell phone ticket can be loaded after ordering in the NAH.SH app via the menu item "D-Ticket NAH.SH | Job | SeTi". If this entry is not visible, select the menu item "Jobticket | Semesterticket" instead.

The Paper ticket will be sent by e-mail to the personal e-mail address provided at the university when ordering. Paper tickets must be ordered by the 15th of the previous month.

If the Semesterticket Schleswig-Holstein was previously used as a cell phone ticket, this must first be deleted from the NAH.SH app. Important: Only delete the previous ticket when it is no longer required - the ticket can no longer be used after deletion.

How do I cancel the upgrade ticket?

The semester ticket upgrade ends automatically at the end of the current semester and must be renewed for the following semester.

Early termination is of course also possible. The semester ticket upgrade can be canceled at any time at the end of the month. As with the "normal" Deutschlandticket, it must be canceled by the 10th of a monthfor the ticket to be canceled for the following month.

You can cancel at any time via the Subscription website (Aboportal) of the Deutsche Bahn.

How do I go from a single Deutschlandticket subscription (€49) to an upgrade subscription (SoSe 23 €14.89, WiSe 23/24 €15.67)?

To do this, cancel your existing Deutschlandticket with the issuing transport company as soon as possible (when ordering via DB or Nah.SH here). You can then order the Germany ticket as an "upgrade subscription" for the following month - ordering is expected to be possible in the course of June.
Cancellation for the following month must be received by the 10th of the month, so make sure you don't buy two tickets at the same time!

Why is the upgrade ticket coming so late?

The possibility of creating such an upgrade option has been decided since the beginning of February 2023. This left Nah.SH and transport companies only little time to initiate the necessary procedures, especially as important issues were still unresolved.

At the same time, the late implementation can be attributed to delays on the part of the service provider DB Vertrieb, which was commissioned with this task and was unable to implement the procedure at an earlier stage.

I bought a Germany ticket for €49. Can I have the difference to the upgrade refunded?

For the months of May and June 2023, when the upgrade option was not available, there was the option of having the difference to the upgrade price refunded.

The upgrade ticket should be ordered and used in all further months - no retroactive refund is possible here.

How does the mobile ticket work?

Just like the digital semester ticket, the digital Deutschlandticket must be ordered and added in the Nah.SH-App and is then updated automatically as long as the subscription is active.

However, only one ticket can be stored in the Nah.SH app at a time. To add the Deutschlandticket, any semester ticket must therefore be removed from the app beforehand, and once the Deutschlandticket has expired, the "old" semester ticket must be added again with the ticket number and date of birth.

Do I have to hand in my semester ticket when I upgrade?

Yes and no. Your semester ticket will be converted into a Deutschlandticket for the duration of the upgrade and replaced by it; however, a digital Deutschlandticket must be loaded separately into the Nah.SH app. An issued semester ticket will not be withdrawn and will remain valid throughout the semester, especially after canceling the upgrade.

However, only one ticket can be stored in the Nah.SH app at a time. To add the Deutschlandticket, any semester ticket must therefore be removed from the app beforehand, and once the Deutschlandticket has expired, the "old" semester ticket must be added again with the ticket number and date of birth.