The Kiel Kulturticket

Kulturticket Logo

The Kulturticket (culture ticket) is a cooperation between the Theater Kiel and the General Student Committees (AStA) of the Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel, the Kiel University of Applied Sciences and the Muthesius Academy of Fine Arts. It is financed by the students themselves: with a solidarity contribution as part of the semester fee.

With the Kulturticket, you receive free tickets three days before a performance at Theater Kiel. This applies to all events, with the exception of external and special events, such as guest performances, summer theater and opera ball. You can get the tickets at the box office and in the web store of Theater Kiel. At the entrance you only have to show your student ID. To book free tickets you have to register once.

How to use the Kulturticket

1. Register for the Kulturticket

This guide is intended for CAU students. Information about registration for students of other universities can be found here.

Simply register for the Kulturticket via the following link.

Attention: After registering for the Kulturticket, you must close the window. Then log in again with your access data. Otherwise you may get error messages. If you don't see any performances after logging in again, you have to clear your browser cache once. Then nothing will stand in the way of your free visit with the Kulturticket. Theater kiel is looking forward to seeing you!

On-site personal registration is also possible at the cash desks of the Theater Kiel at the Opera and Playhouse (Rathausplatz 4 or Holtenauer Straße 103, Tue-Fri 10.00-18.00, Sat 10.00-13.00, not at the box office) or by telephone at 0431 901 901.

2. Already registered? Book your free ticket now!

Tickets are available at the theater box office and at the Theater Kiel Webshop.

From three days before the performance you can book your free tickets (only one per performance). To do so, select the appropriate discount (Kulturticket) in the webshop. Tickets at the regular student rate as well as all other types of tickets, with or without discount, are of course still available. If you prefer to come to the theater box office, that's no problem: free tickets are also available there during our regular opening hours, starting three days before each performance.

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