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Resources around Kiel and Germany-wide

Action for Awareness was founded on the basis that help for survivors in trauma can be confusing, overwhelming, and stressful. While we cannot guarantee a comprehensive recovery for survivors, our team researched and selected the following resources for survivors to process trauma, here are a few recommended support resources. 

Points of contact in Kiel

Emergency Services

On campus: 0431 880-2222

Off campus: 112

Anti-Discrimination Support

Officer for Diversity Anti-Discrimination Counseling Service of the University of Kiel 

Psychological services on CAU campus

Listed summary from International Center

BASTA CAU Kiel Advice for students with (sexual, physical or psychological) experience of violence

Psycho-Social Service Psychological consulting and support for university staff

University ambulance for psychotherapy Offers diagnostic and psychotherapeutic help for psychological problems

Studentenwerk SH Psychological counseling for students of the CAU Kiel

Psychological services off campus

Frauennotruf Kiel Women's counseling office for sexual violence 

Donna Klara Psychosocial advice centre for women

Haki e.V. Counseling for LGBTIQ*, relatives and professionals

Männerberatung SH Counseling for men who have experienced sexual and domestic violence

Nicolaisen Psychological counseling for foreign students, in English or French

Germany-wide points of contact

Violence against women support Hotline Support for women who experienced sexual violence. You can get help in 17 languages, including sign language. Help is offered through a support hotline, E-mail contact or an online chat.

Frauen gegen Gewalt e.V. Womens counseling centers are present in every federal state. They offer counseling on topics related to rape and other forms of sexualized violence against women and girls.

Hilfetelefon Gewalt an Männern Help-Hotline for men who experienced violence in any form