Your alternative to the digital ticket: Semester Ticket Chip Card

As at: 03.09.24

Foto DB-Regionalbahn

About the chip card

From the winter semester 24/25, there will no longer be a paper card as an alternative to the mobile digital ticket for students, but a chip card instead. If required, you can order the chip card using the online form below and KVG will then send it to you by post.

How to order the Deutschland-Semesterticket chip card:

  • Step 1: Fill out the online form
  • Step 2: Receive a confirmation e-mail and confirm your application by clicking on the confirmation link in the mail.
  • Step 3 Receive chip card by post

Notes from us

Notes from KVG

These additional instructions are provided by KVG. Please read them carefully before ordering.

  • The order can only be processed with the confirmation of the AStA.
  • The order is always valid for one (1) semester. A new order form is required for the following semester, as the AStA must reconfirm the subscription entitlement.
  • The chip card will be sent by post to the above address.
  • It is not possible to change the issuing medium from chip card to digital mobile ticket and vice versa during the same semester. If a digital ticket has been issued for the current semester, it will be deactivated.
  • If the chip card is lost, a replacement card can be requested for a processing fee of 36.00 €. The contact for this is KVG.
  • The processing of the order from receipt by KVG takes about five working days plus postal delivery time. A subsequent refund is not possible for any tickets purchased in the meantime.
  • The chip card automatically becomes invalid at the end of the last day of the semester. Please keep the card in case you need to renew it for the following semester, it can then be reused.

Apply for your chip card for winter semester 24/25 now!

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