
Too much garbage, too much waste, too few green spaces and too much ignorance - and all of this on campus. These are issues that we want to change on campus. The aim is to increase understanding of the environment and to help develop our beautiful university more sustainably.

In order to achieve our goal, we are in close contact with various groups and institutions at the university. For example, we are a permanent member of the waste prevention working group and the environmental management working group. In addition, we are always involved in all environmentally relevant topics and try to develop new sustainability concepts.

Environmental education is at the heart of our work. With film screenings, discussions and workshops, we want to provide you with information and starting points to deal with the environment more consciously and ultimately change not only your life, but also that on campus. Central topics of this educational approach are diets (vegan, vegetarian, regional), overfishing of the oceans, waste avoidance and animal welfare.

With all these educational aspects, however, the aim is not just to have a nice chat, but to fundamentally understand that our environment is not just there and growing around us. Rather, the aim is to develop a comprehensive understanding of the fact that we ultimately depend on it and how we can give something back to it.

Do you find yourself in these ideas and have ideas on how to make the campus a little greener or do you think we're missing something? Then get in touch with us, we look forward to any inspiration!

Workshop: Schokoladenherstellung

am 19.01.24 von 15 – 17:30 Uhr

ACHTUNG: Neuer Veranstaltungsort!

Gewerbeküche Alte Mu
Lorentzendamm 6-8
24103 Kiel

Wir möchten mit euch am 19. Januar Schokolade herstellen! Hierfür rühren wir die Masse selbst an, verzieren sie mit euren Wunschtoppings und ihr könnt sie ganz ohne Verpackungsmüll direkt mitnehmen.

Wir stellen eine Auswahl an Früchten, Nüssen und Naschkram für den Genuss eurer Kreationen. Bringt gerne eigene Lieblingssüßigkeiten oder Toppings mit.

Bitte meldet euch bei Interesse über das untenstehende Formular an.

Anmeldung zum Workshop

    Die Anmeldung läuft bis zum 26.05.24 (23:59 Uhr) und ist auf 25 Plätze begrenzt. Es sind noch Plätze frei!

      Die Anmeldung ist auf 40 Plätze begrenzt. Leider sind bereits alle Plätze belegt.
      Du kannst dich allerdings über folgendes Formular auf die Warteliste setzen lassen.

      Contact persons

      Hannah Schmidt (representative, she/her)



      Consultation hours: By appointment


      in the Mensa 1

      Westring 385
      24118 Kiel

      Articles on the topic of sustainability

      Image sources