Meeting minutes
Here you can find the minutes of the AStA meetings. Our AStA meetings always take place virtually on Thursdays at 18:00. The meetings are open to the public. If you would like to attend a meeting, please contact us via E-mail to the AStA board.
Protokolle 2011/2012
Protokolle 2012/2013
Protokolle 2013/2014
Protokolle 2014/2015
Protokolle 2015/2016
Protokolle 2016/2017
Protokolle 2017/2018
Protokolle 2018/2019
Protokolle 2019/2020
Protokolle 2020/2021
Protokolle 2021/2022
Protokolle 2022/2023
Protokolle 2023/2024
Protokolle 2024/2025