Additional advice services & contact points

You have taken the first step! You are looking for advice and have opened up! What happens now?

In addition to our AStA counseling services you will find additional external contact points and advice services on this page.

This list is not exhaustive, but should help you to get an overview of where and how you can seek help.

In the event of incidents of any kind on and around the campus

Main gate of the CAU

Contact point for general information, lost property, accident reports, thefts, sexualized violence, etc.
Central emergency number: 0431 – 880 2222

In case of financial need

Catholic Student Community Kiel

Unfortunately, financial burdens and worries are a reality for many students during their time at university. Here you have the opportunity to receive uncomplicated financial help in specific emergency situations.

Evangelical Student Community Kiel

Here you will be supported if you need someone to talk to, if you have difficulties finding your way in everyday life in Germany, or if you need financial help.

Advice on student life at the Studentenwerk Schleswig-Holstein

Here you will be supported if you need someone to talk to, if you have difficulties finding your way in everyday life in Germany, or if you need financial help.

Psychosocial counseling

Psychological counseling of the Studentenwerk SH

The Studentenwerk offers psychological help with personal and study-related conflicts and problems.

Please register by telephone or email. Counseling is anonymous and free of charge.

Emergency outpatient clinic

The ZIP outpatient clinic is open day and night. In an emergency, someone is always available at the gate.

Outpatient therapy

Outpatient therapy is easiest to integrate into everyday university life, as appointments can be arranged with the therapist. The only problem is finding a suitable therapist with free therapy places. You can obtain addresses and telephone numbers from your health insurance provider or on the internet.

Kieler Fenster

The Kieler Fenster offers comprehensive support. The meeting place is open 7 days a week and the extensive self-help and group area comprises around 20 different groups depending on the diagnosis of the illness.

You also receive unbureaucratic advice on psychological and social issues.

Psychiatric day clinic Villa Karlstal on the east bank

facility where each patient receives an individual treatment plan. Care is provided from 8.30 a.m. to 4.30 p.m., with patients spending the rest of the time in their own personal environment. An appointment is made in consultation with the referring doctor so that a first impression can be gained.

Center for Integrative Psychiatry

The ZIP offers various therapeutic services (including care in the day clinic or inpatient stays).

Stationary stay

Sometimes, in crisis situations, stationary treatment is unavoidable and helpful. Unfortunately, it is not possible to cope with everyday university life. In the event of a longer or repeated hospital stay, it is advisable to apply for a semester of leave due to illness. Information and the application for leave of absence can be found here.

The choice of clinic is not necessarily limited to Schleswig-Holstein; depending on your health insurance, you can stay in a clinic anywhere in Germany.

For students with disability(ies)

Central Student Advisory Service of the CAU - Advice on studying with a disability/chronic illness

For prospective students, students and doctoral candidates with long-term or permanent health impairments.

For international students

International Center of the CAU

Advice for international students on the topics of admission and enrolment, student affairs, Master's procedures, study preparation and support, visas, health insurance, financial support options, student accommodation and bridging assistance as well as job hunting. Advice for prospective students and students with a refugee background.

Advice for international students at the Studentenwerk Schleswig-Holstein

The advisory team supports international students with all questions relating to student life in Germany.

For students with children

Family Service of the CAU

Advice is generally available on all topics relating to the compatibility of family, career and studies. It is confidential and tailored to individual questions.

Job counseling

Career Center of the CAU

Advice on career orientation, job search, application phase or career entry is free of charge and exclusively for CAU students, CAU doctoral students and CAU graduates who are not yet employed (up to a maximum of one year after graduation).

Counseling services for women*

Donna Klara e.V.

“In stressful situations, we support women*, trans, inter and non-binary people* with our feminist counseling services and develop steps towards clarification and change together.”

Eß-o-Eß: psychosocial counseling center for women

“The Women's Counseling Center / Eß-o-Eß is a psychosocial counseling center and a meeting place for women*. [...] We advise women, trans women, trans men and non-binary people in our counseling center.”

Counseling center “Die Lerche” of the Kiel women's shelter

Women who can no longer cope at home because they are being threatened, humiliated, beaten and/or forced to have sex by their partner or family can find refuge, protection and help for themselves and their children here. [...] Die Lerche is the counseling center of the Kiel Women's Shelter.

Women's network on the work situation e.V.

“We enable women to enter the world of work. [...] We support women in developing career and life plans that are characterized by freedom of choice, pride and vitality.”