Counseling for students with children
Studying with children or pregnancy and studies can all be easily reconciled, even if this can certainly come with particular challenges. In addition to the time problems, the financial aspect also plays a very important role. With the right planning, this special life situation can be mastered at the same time. This counselling service is aimed at all students who are expecting a child or already have one or more.
Appointment booking
Please note the following information before booking an appointment:
- Counselling takes place every Wednesday from 14:00 - 17:00 and every Thursday from 08:00 - 09:00.
- The appointment can take place by telephone, as a video conference or in person. If the day does not suit you, please contact us by e-mail.
- The dates are only activated for booking 7 days in advance.
What does the counselling service offer?
- Information about financial support, when and where it can be applied for, e.g.
- Parental allowance
- Child benefit
- One-off grant from the Mother and Child Foundation
- Information about childcare options for the child/children
- Day care
- Day care centres
- Options and consequences of leave of absence from studies
- Information about everyday bureaucratic challenges and questions such as
- Who registers the birth at the registry office?
- Where can I get a birth certificate and what else is required?
- What about health insurance?
- What do I have to tell the Bafög office?
- Can I apply for housing benefit or social assistance?
- If required, help with filling out applications for child benefit or parental allowance
Financial support for student parents
In the following, I would like to show you some of the financial support that may be available to you as student parents:
Birth grant from the student union
The Studierendenwerk grants a one-off allowance of 130 euros towards the cost of baby and child equipment. This must be applied for within the first six months of life after the birth.
The grant is a voluntary social benefit provided by the Studierendenwerk - it is intended for students who do not have sufficient income or assets.
You can find the application documents on the Homepage of the Studierendenwerkat the social counselling service (Studentenwerk): in the counselling centre (Mensa II), Leibnizstr. 12 - 14, and at the counselling service for student childcare: Ms Keitel in Mensa I, Tel. 0431/8816189.
Child benefit
Child benefit is paid to anyone who is supporting or bringing up a child. The application must be submitted to the relevant family benefits office (for Kiel: Flensburg family benefits office). The amount of child benefit per child is 250 euros.
If you have a relatively high income, it would also be possible to claim the child allowance for income tax purposes. Please note: Child benefit is creditable income for ALG II!
Parental allowance
For most students, parental allowance, which is not dependent on income, is the main option: €300 for 12 months or Parental Allowance Plus: €150 for 24 months.
However, if there was income within the last twelve months before the birth (part-time or full-time job), it is also possible to take parental leave. This lasts 12 months (+ 2 months if both parents want to take parental leave) or 24 months (+ 4 months if both parents want to take parental leave) and depends on the average income (net) of the last 12 months before the birth. Responsible office for Kiel residents:Landesamt für soziale Dienste Schleswig-Holstein, Steinmetzstraße 1-11, 24534 Neumünster
Personal counselling: Contact and counselling centre, Adolf-Westphal-Straße 4, 24143 Kiel
Please note: Parental allowance is countable income for ALG II!
Advance on maintenance payments
If you are a single parent and the other parent with a maintenance obligation does not have the necessary income to support your child, you have the option of applying for an advance on maintenance payments. The amount is based on the minimum maintenance set for the relevant age group and is currently 230 euros per month for children under six years of age and 301 euros per month for older children up to the age of 12 and 395 euros per month for a child who has not yet reached the age of 18 (12 - 17 years).
This only applies if the parent obliged to provide maintenance is unable or unwilling to provide maintenance in the form of childcare.
Please note: Advance maintenance payments are countable income for ALG II! If you are in receipt of SGB II, you are only entitled to advance maintenance payments for children aged 12 and over if the child is not dependent on SGB II benefits due to their own income or if the single parent in receipt of SGB II has a gross income of at least 600 euros.
If you are unable to provide the BAföG office with proof of performance in good time because you are caring for a child while studying and therefore exceed the maximum funding period for your studies, you have the option of receiving BAföG as a full grant. This also applies to pregnancy. There is also the childcare allowance (full allowance, § 14b BAföG), which may not be offset against any social benefits from the state: 160 euros for each child.
Please note: This benefit may not be counted as income towards the childcare costs supported by the City of Kiel! More details in our BAföG-Info!
Additional needs for pregnant women, one-off allowances
Pregnant women can apply to the job centre for additional needs from the 13th week of pregnancy. The amount is 17% of the relevant standard requirement and is paid until the birth. Pregnancy clothing and initial equipment for the child can also be applied for. However, the neediness will be checked. This is always possible for BAföG recipients, unless the partner's income is too high. You can get the address of the relevant job centre and the applications from me.
Federal Foundation Mother and Child (Bundesstiftung Mutter und Kind)
The ‘Bundesstiftung Mutter und Kind’ (Federal Foundation Mother and Child) provides funds for expectant parents in need. You can also receive these funds as a subsidy if you have a low income. Only the recognised § 218 advice centres and the Catholic Women's Social Service can and may complete the applications and submit them to the foundation. Please submit the application as early as possible.
Day care centres
There is a legal entitlement to a childcare place from the age of one. There are a total of five childcare centres in Kiel that have been set up especially for children of students. These are childcare centres run by the Studierendenwerk, which give preference to children of students when allocating childcare places. You can find the application for admission on the homepage of the Studierendenwerk ( .
Child day care
Child day care is a legally recognised form of childcare alongside day care centres, which is characterised in particular by its family-like structure (it is important to note, however, that the term alone has nothing to do with traditional gender roles) and flexible care times, especially for children aged 0 to 3 years.
Childminders look after up to five children in their own home, in the home of the child's parents or in other suitable premises at individually agreed times.
Maternity Protection Act
The Maternity Protection Act also applies to female students as part of compulsory courses from 1 January 2018. At the request of the student, participation in compulsory courses / examinations is also permitted during the protection periods (6 weeks before and 8 weeks after the birth). You can download the applications and information from the CAU Kiel homepage:
Compensation for disadvantages
Due to the fact that you are now travelling the world with a child, you may not be able to study in the same way as is expected of students without a child, so it is possible to receive appropriate support. There are regulations at the CAU from which students with family responsibilities can benefit and which make it easier to organise their studies. Compensation for disadvantages in the Examination Procedure Regulations (PVO) for BA and MA degree programmes (§12a) or the PVO of the CAU for degree programmes that are not BA and MA degree programmes (§8a) in force since 26.02.2016. You can find a summary on the homepage of the Family Service:
It is also possible (as a gesture of goodwill) to take examinations in a different form (e.g. a term paper instead of a presentation). This should first be discussed with the respective lecturer - if they do not want to fulfil your request, please contact the AStA!
Of course, there are many more questions regarding studying with a child, but these are best answered personally, as your individual situation is always decisive.
Contact person
Sylvia Hohmann
Consultation location:
AStA counseling office
24118 Kiel
To the left of the entrance to the physics center
Consultation hours:
Wednesdays: 14:00 – 17:00
Thursdays: 08:00 – 09:00
Legal notice
The counseling services of the AStA are free of charge.
For legal reasons, we cannot guarantee the accuracy of the information provided in the consultations!